In this paper, the concepts of decay matter elements and decay sets are introduced, so as to channel a scientific way dealing with the law and method for decay problem. 引进衰变物元及衰变集合的概念,从而开辟了一条处理衰变问题的规律及方法的科学路径。
In order to extend the forecast time and raise the forecast efficiency for the numerical sea ice model, a new mathematical description of sea ice thermodynamic process is presented according to the growth and decay law of the Bohai Sea ice. 针对渤海海冰的生消漂移规律,以及对海冰数值模式延长预报时间、增强预报时效的要求,本文推导了与之相适应的海冰热力学过程的数学描述。
The gas temperature decay in gas spark switch after operation is simulated based on fluent equation, thermal conductivity equation and general gas law. 利用流体方程、热传导方程和理想气体状态方程构建的方程组,对火花隙开关中高温气体冷却的过程进行了数值模拟。
Study on the decay law of synthetic aviation lube oil in use 合成航空润滑油使用中衰变规律研究
"Mode-shifting country" Russia after the decay of Soviet Union, made great efforts to build a western party system, The Party Law published and carried out in 2001 stepped up the Russian party politic towards standardization and legalization. 俄罗斯是重要的转型国家,苏联解体后,俄力图建立西方式的政党制度,2001年颁布实施的《政党法》使俄政党政治进一步走上规范化、立法化轨道。
Properties of depleted uranium, such as chemical properties, decay law and transmit mode, were presented. 介绍了贫铀的化学特性、衰变规律和迁移方式。
Decay law and magnitudes of coda waves for the Jiangsu Digital Volumetric Strain Network 江苏体应变数字台网地震尾波的衰减关系与震级
Directionality and decay characteristic of AE wave from insulators in air are studied. It's found that AE wave has distinct directionality and decay fast by the exponent law. 试验研究了绝缘子放电声发射波的方向性及其在空气中的衰减特性,发现声发射波具有明显的方向性,并且呈快速下降的指数规律衰减。
The decay law of complex cascade processes 复杂级联过程的衰变规律
The radial decay of the amplitude of pressure fluctuation has been measured both in pseudo-sound field and acoustic field with the result that the exponential law is applicable in pseudo-sound field, and the r-2 law in acoustic field. 实验测量了赝声场和声场中压力脉动幅值的径向衰变规律:它在赝声场中符合指数衰变规律,而在声场中为r~(-2)规律。
The experimental results show that a single-frequency continuous wave does decay as the inverse square law of the distance ( r~ (-2)) alter the Rayleigh distance, and in contrast, a pulsed EM wave decreases more slowly as r~ (-2(?) 实验结果表明:单频连续波在瑞利距离之后的确表现为随距离的反平方律(r~(-2))衰减;
On the decay law of an isotropic turbulence 均匀各向同性湍流的衰减律
The decay law of cascade processes involving many levels is presented. 本文给出多能级级联过程的衰变规律。
Experimental study on decay law of γ-ray in explosive columns ~(60)Coγ射线在炸药柱中衰减规律的实验研究
Compared the simulation results and actual measurement, found the simulated blasting waveform is similar with the waveform of actual measurement, the peak value decay law is basically consistent, the decay law of peak effective stress value follow the law of negative power exponent. 通过数值模拟结果与实测数据的对比,发现模拟的爆破地震波波形与实测的波形基本相似。质点峰值衰减规律基本一致,峰值有效应力的衰减规律基本遵循负幂指数规律衰减。
It is found that the high stress localization occurred in the bifurcation point of force chains and contacted forces in the major chain decay as a power law along the external impact direction but, oscillate in the branch chains. 应力链中接触力有决裂的振荡,撞击位置是应力链的分岔点且有高度的应力集中。
Lime Active Decay Law is Studied in the Lime Soil 石灰土中石灰活性衰减规律研究
The Decay Estimation for Entropy Solution and Its Derivative for a Single Conservation Law in General Dimensions 高维单个守恒律方程熵解及其导数的衰减估计
Assuming that the detection efficiencies for a-particles of different energies are equal when the distances between the detector and the source are zero, we can calculate the detection efficiency of radon daughter for one standard source on the basis of radioactive decay law. 假定源与探测器距离为零射,探测器对各种能量α粒子的效率均相同,则根据放射性衰变规律,由对标准源的效率就能计算出氡子体的探测效率。
After researching on the delayed bioluminescence of eggs, the results show that egg luminescence generally obeys hyperbolic decay law, which supports coherence theory of biophoton. 对鸡蛋延迟发光进行了研究,发现普遍服从双曲衰减规律,这一点与生物光子的相干理论相一致。
So, the stiffness of soil units will decay by the law of the proposed model after each cycle. Accordingly, the accumulated plastic deformation after each cyclic loading was computed. 这样,荷载每循环一次,各土体单元的刚度就按规律衰减一次,从而可以计算出此次循环加载后整个土体的累积塑性变形。
The confining pressure which may change the decay rate, can not affect the decay law of dimensionless impact pressure in the axial and radial direction. 围压的存在不影响射流轴心及径向上无因次冲击压力的衰减规律,它只是改变了射流无因次冲击压力的衰减速度。
Studied the decay law of X-ray in steel by experiment, and establish the curve about the relation between radiography-attenuation and tube volte and current. 本文首先对X射线在物质中的衰减规律进行研究,建立了衰减系数与管电压、管电流的关系曲线。
This issue analyzed and concluded the relationship between dynamic and static strength. Further, it obtained the decay law of impending plastic dynamic strength and accumulated deformation with loading cycles of various roadbeds filling under different test conditions. 分析总结了动静强度之间的联系,且得出了各种路基填料的临塑动强度、累计变形等疲劳特性在不同试验条件下的衰变规律。